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NN 85/2009 • I.23 Identifikacija kontejnera, broj plombe/Identification of conteiner, seal numberI.24
NN 85/2009 • Treća zemlja/Third country ISO kod/ISO CodeDržava/Member State ISO Kod/ISO Code
NN 85/2009 • Točka ulaska/Entry point Granična vet. postaja/BIP unit NoDržava/Member State ISO Kod/ISO Code
NN 85/2009 • Dio II: Certificiranje/Part II: CertificationII. Zdravstveni podaci/Health information II.a. Referentni broj svjedodžbe/Certificate reference number lI.b. Lokalni referentni broj/Local reference number
NN 85/2009 • Ja, niže potpisani službeni veterinar odgovoran za objekt podrijetla i odobren od nadležnog tijela potvrđujem sljedeće:/I, the undersigned official veterinarian responsible for the establishment of origin and approved by the competent authority certify that certify that:
NN 85/2009 • II.1 U vrijeme pregleda životinje su sposobne za prijevoz u skladu s Odlukom Vijeća br. 1/2005/At the time of inspection the above animals were fit to be transported on the intended journey in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005.
NN 85/2009 • II.2 Uvjeti iz članka 4. Direktive Vijeća 92/65/EEC su ispunjeni./The conditions of Articles- 4 of Council Directive 92/65/EEC are fullfiled.
NN 85/2009 • II.3.1 Preživači/svinje (‘} osim onih navedenih u Direktivi 64/432/EEC:(‘}/ Ruminant/suidae(‘} other than that covered by Directive 64/432/EEC:(‘}
NN 85/2009 • (b) u vrijeme pretrage nisu pokazivale nikakvih kliničkih znakova bolesti od kojih mogu oboljeti;/at the time of examination, does not show any clinical sign of any disease to which it is susceptible;
NN 85/2009 • (c) dolaze iz gospodarstva službeno slobodnog od tuberkuloze i bruceloze ili stada službeno slobodnog od tuberkuloze i bruceloze i nije bilo predmet ograničenja zbog klasične svinjske kuge(1) ili iz stada/gospodarstva gdje su rezultati dijagnostičkih pretraga bili negativni/comes from an officially tuberculos free/officially brucelose-free or brucellosis-free herd/a holding not subject to swine-fever restrictions(1) or from a holding where It was subjected with negative results to the tests laid down in article 6(2Hb) of Directive 92/65EEC.
NN 85/2009 • II.3.2 Ptice, osim onih na koje se odnosi Direktiva 90/539/EEC(1)/Birds other than those referred to in Directive 90/539/EEC(1)
NN 85/2009 • ispunjavaju odredbe iz članka 7. Direktive 92/65/EEZ i za vrijeme pregleda nisu pokazivale kliničke znakove bolesti./satisfy the requirements of Article 7 of Directive 92/65/EEC and that the animals showed no clinical sign of disease on examination.
NN 85/2009 • Ispunjavaju odredbe iz članka 9. Direktive 92/65/EEZ i za vrijeme pregleda nisu pokazivale kliničke znakove bolesti/satisfy the requirements of Article 9 of Directive 92/65/EEC and that the animals showed no clinical sign of disease on examination,
NN 85/2009 • II.3.4. Psi, mačke i pitome vretice (1) / Dogs, cats and ferrets (1)
NN 85/2009 • (b) od kliničke pretrage unutar 24 sata prije otpreme su bile sposobne za prijevoz/underwent a clinical examination, within 24-hours of dispatch, by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority, and this examination showed the animals to be in good health and fit to travel.
NN 85/2009 • II.4 Dodatne garancije koje se odnose na bolest iz Dodatka B(1) Direktive 92/65/EEZ(2)/ The additional guarantees regarding diseases listed in Annex B(1) of Directive 92/65/EEC are as follows(2)
NN 85/2009 • Polje I.6/Box reference I.6 Broj pratećih dokumenata: CITES ako je potrebno./No(s) of accompanying documents: CITES if applicable.
NN 85/2009 • Polje I.19/Box reference I.19 Koristiti odgovarajući HS kod/Use the appropriate HS codes: 01.06.31, 01.06.32, 01.06.39, 01.06.11, 01.06.19,
NN 85/2009 • Polje I.31/Box reference I.31 Označavanje. Treba koristiti individualno označavanje kad god je to moguće, ali u slučaju malih životinja može se koristiti identifikacija serijskim brojem. Starost i spol se trebaju upisati samo za žive životinje./Individual identification must be used whenever possible but in the case with small animals, batch identification may be used. Age and sex only to be completed in case of live animals if appropriate.
NN 85/2009 • (1) Prema traženim uvjetima od države članice EU/As requested by a Member State benefiting from additional guarantees under Community
Broj 114/05, Broj 29/93,
Broj 130/09, Broj 19/90,
Broj 53/91, Broj 22/04